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汤姆·索亚历险记(中英双语珍藏本) 马克·吐温 -  汤姆·索亚历险记(中英双语珍藏本)全文阅读 -  汤姆·索亚历险记(中英双语珍藏本)txt下载 -  汤姆·索亚历险记(中英双语珍藏本)最新章节

Chapter 28(1/3)

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Chapter 28

That night Tom and Huck were ready for their adventure.They hung about the neighborhood of the tavern until after nine,one watching the alley at a distance and the other the tavern door.

Nobody entered the alley or left it;nobody resembling the Spaniard entered or left the tavern door.

The night promised to be a fair one;so Tom went home with the understanding that if a considerable degree of darkness came on,Huck was to come and“meow,”whereupon he would slip out and try the keys.

But the night remained clear,and Huck closed his watch and retired to bed in an empty sugar hogshead about twelve.

Tuesday the boys had the same ill luck.Also Wednesday.But Thursday night promised better.Tom slipped out in good season with his aunt's old tin lantern,and a large towel to blindfold it with.He hid the lantern in Huck's sugar hogshead and the watch began.

An hour before midnight the tavern closed up and its lights (the only ones thereabouts) were put out.No Spaniard had been seen.Nobody had entered or left the alley.

Everything was auspicious.The blackness of darkness reigned,the perfect stillness was interrupted only by occasional mutterings of distant thunder.

Tom got his lantern,lit it in the hogshead,wrapped it closely in the towel,and the two adventurers crept in the gloom toward the tavern.

Huck stood sentry and Tom felt his way into the alley.Then there was a season of waiting anxiety that weighed upon Huck's spirits like a mountain.He began to wish he could see a flash from the lantern—it would frighten him,but it would at least tell him that Tom was alive yet.It seemed hours since Tom had disappeared.

Surely he must have fainted;maybe he was dead;maybe his heart had burst under terror and excitement.

In his uneasiness Huck found himself drawing closer and closer to the alley;fearing all sorts of dreadful things,and momentarily expecting some catastrophe to happen that would take away his breath.There was not much to take away,for he seemed only able to inhale it by thimblefuls,and his heart would soon wear itself out,the way it was beating.Suddenly there was a flash of light and Tom came tearing by him:


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