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7.The Living Manner of the Circulation of the Light


Master Lu-tsu said, When there is a gradual success in producing the circulation of the light, a man must not give up his ordinary occupation in doing it.The ancients said, When occupations come to us, we must accept them; when things come to us, we must understand them from the ground up.If the occupations are properly handled by correct thoughts, the light is not scattered by outside things, but circulates according to its own law.Even the still invisible circulation of the light get started this way; how much more, then, is it the case with the true circulation of the light which has already manifested itself clearly.


When in ordinary life one has the ability always to react to things by reflexes only, without any admixture of a thought of others or of oneself, that is a circulation of the light arising out of circumstances.This is the first secret.


If, early in the morning, one can rid oneself of all entanglements and meditate from one to two double hours, and then can orientate oneself all activities and outside things in a purely objective, reflex way, and if this can be continued without any interruption, then after two or three months all the perfected ones come from heaven and approve such behavior.



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