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1. 实际价值才是王道(1/2)

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1. 实际价值才是王道


In the next section, I would like to say a few words about the often mentioned the concept of the real value of a during corporate mergers and acquisitions and equity investments, it is important but difficult to clearly defined criteria in the last four years, the annual reportthat is, assuming that the company, we provide a table that we think can be most able to estimate the real value of Berkshire, just updated information table artificial General Re's figures addedsince the year the outset we have, the figures of the first column on our behalf has the per share amount of investment (including cash and cash equivalents, net of securities held by the Finance unit), and the second column is the per share inafter deducting interest and operating expenses, Berkshire from the business interests of the industry (but before income tax and purchase accounting adjustments) and, of course, the latter has been deducted from the first column of the investment contribution dividend income, interest incomeand capital gains, in fact, from this table can be seen if Berkshire is split into two parts, then what would become of the result would be tantamount to an investment positions held by the holding company, as well as anotheroperating all of our businesses and bearing all the cause of corporate costs.







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