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9. 投机是一种危险行为(1/2)

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9. 投机是一种危险行为


We feel that through constant communication company philosophy to attract and maintain quality shareholder base, in order to achieve the purpose of self-screening. For example, an advertised concert of opera, concert with another rock and roll-call, will attract a different audience to appreciate. The same through publicity and communication, we hope to attract to agree with our business philosophy and expectations of the shareholders (as important to convince those who do not agree with moving away from us), we hope to those who tend to long-term investment in the company as their own shareholders join our cause treated in the same way, we attach importance to the company's operating results rather than short-term price fluctuations.

People sooner or later will not buy the stock based on the value of the same reasons to sell stocks, they added only unreasonable fluctuations in the company's share price to deviate from the value side. Therefore, we try to avoid a move that would bring short-term speculators, and adopt policies that will attract long-term value investors. Ironic that the stock market is too great importance volatility the broker called liquidity realizable, praised the high turnover rate company. Investors must have knowledge, that is, everything Makers favorable certain detrimental overheating stock market is no different with casino gamblers.






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