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2. 善用套利的方法(1/2)

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2. 善用套利的方法


Although our management is the best, we still need to be wise to the acquisition of large enterprises, so that the revenue growth of our business in line with our expectations. On this point, until late 2007, only made a little progress. It was on Christmas, Charlie and I signed up the largest cash acquisition in the history of Berkshire, and eventually earn a year's salary for ourselves.

This transaction seeds sown in 1954, that summer, just to get a new job only three months, I was sent on my boss, Ben Graham and Jerry Newman the Rockwood Chocolate Company in Brooklyn shareholders meeting. A young man, just control of the company this household cocoa beans as raw material to produce a variety of products. He invented a unique "tokens", 80 pounds of cocoa beans per share of the the Rockwood company's stock bid. I described in a 1988 letter to shareholders through this transaction, and also explained the arbitrage opportunity. I want to tell you Jay Pritzker, is the young man mentioned above - a hiding that saving the tax idea behind the commercial genius. This feasible way to escape the eyes of the other want to buy Rockwood stock experts, including my boss, Ben and Jerry.




其实此次交易的“种子”早在 1954年就已经播种下了。那是一个夏天,在我得到新工作三个月的时候,我被老板本·格雷厄姆和杰瑞·纽曼派去参加 Rockwood巧克力公司在布鲁克林召开的股东大会。一个年轻人,刚控制这家用可可豆做原料,生产多种产品的公司没多长时间,就发明了一种非常独特的“令牌”,为每股 Rockwood公司的股票出价 80磅可可豆。我曾经在 1988年写给股东的信中对这次交易进行过描述,同时还解释了其中的套利机会。我要告诉你,杰伊·普利兹克,也就是上面提到的那个小伙子——是一个可以称得上是躲在那个节省税款主意背后的商业天才。这种可行方式逃过了其他想买 Rockwood股票专家们的眼睛,当然其中还包括我的老板本和杰瑞。





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