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9. 财务年报是最直观的投资意见书(1/2)

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9. 财务年报是最直观的投资意见书


When Charlie and I read the financial report, we do not have much interest in personnel, factory or product introduction, a reference to the surplus net of tax burden before interest, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) made us alarmed, do managerstake teeth in exchange for large sums of capital expenditures it? (Note: American children believe teeth out, teeth hidden under his pillow, tooth fairy money to change your teeth) really think those fuzzyunclear accounting principles, we have been skeptical, because managers usually like to take to conceal the fact that, in addition, we also do not want to read the information provided by the public relations department or consultant, we hope to be able to personally explain the actual CEO ownhappened.

For us, informative report on behalf of 300,000 partner can get the same information, at least be able to do as much as possible, so we are accustomed to the quarterly and annual network unified announced at the close of the market on a Friday, so a , shareholders and all concerned about Berkshire's investment can timely get an important message, opened on Monday at the same time, there is enough time to assimilate the information, this year, our quarterly reports respectively in may 12 No., announced on August 11 and Saturday, November 10, the 2001 Annual Report will be open on March 9.






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