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4. 极具扩张特征的收购行为(1/4)

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4. 极具扩张特征的收购行为


The Scott Fetzer At that time, we spent $ 315.2 million to buy a book value of $ 172.6 million, more than the $ 142.6 million premium, we think the real value of this company is about twice the book value.

In M & A transactions completed year, the company posted on excess cash Although Scott Fetzer 1986 profit of $ 40.3 million, but it can pay 125 billion dollars in dividends Berkshire, Another point I must emphasize that , Scott Fetzer we did not have to use any of the financial leverage, in fact, the liabilities of the company in the beginning of our acquisitions will be quite limited, even after off all the debt (in addition to the financial subsidiary borrowers) , at the same time we did not the factory to sell and then lease them back, or the sale of accounts receivable and the like move, Scott Fetzer in the past few years we have been fairly conservative financial leverage operating and maintaining a very high flowability.

Scott Fetzer surplus, we can see a steady increase in after we bought, but in the meantime, the net has not been presented, such as the increase in the proportion of, so we bought the company, it has been quite good return on equity, and now they become more excellent, and we can even take it compare with the masterpiece of the Fortune 500, the fact alone meter to Scott Fetzer scale, would have to be included in the five hundred large forest.







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