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8. 正确把握退出时机(1/2)

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8. 正确把握退出时机


We buy the shares of Wells Fargo between 1990 banking stocks chaos phenomenon of this disorder is very reasonable, the past few months, some of the original operating banks with good reputation, its error lending decisions but 11media to expose, as again and again the huge loss figures are released, the integrity of the banking sector and ensure that time and time again been trampled on, gradually investing more and more people can not believe the number of the bank's financial statements, taking advantage of the sell offBank shares, we broke the trend of $ 290 million, less than five times the price-earnings ratio (pre-tax profit, the price to earnings or less than three times) to buy a 10% stake in Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo is quite large, carrying up to $ 56 billion in assets, up to 20% return on equity, return on assets was 1.25%, equivalent to buy his 10% stake bought a $ 5 billion of assets 100 % of the equity, but really have such conditions the bank, the price tag may be $ 290 million more than doubled, In addition, even if it can buy, we also have to face another problem, that is, can not find like Carl Reichardt such talent business in recent years, a former manager from Wells Fargo has been widely welcomed by the various interbank, but the old master may want to go to this bank is not an easy thing.



我们是在1990年银行股处于混沌状态时购买进富国银行股份的,在我看来,这种情况 是非常合理的,几个月前,一些原本口碑不错的银行,其自身错误的贷款决定却被媒体所披露,随着庞大的损失数据一次又一次被公布,整个银行业的诚信也接连遭到践踏,这使得投资者对于银行的财务 报表数据越来越持怀疑的态度,趁着大多数人放弃银行股之际,我们却逆势以2.9亿美元的价格买进了富国银行10%的股份。不得不说的是,富国银行的实力确实非常强,其账面资产高达560亿美元,股东权益报酬率始终维持在20%左右,而资产报酬率也在1.25%。可以说,买下其10%的股份好比是买下一家50亿美元资产的100%股权,但如果真有如此条件的银行,其开出的价码可能是2.9亿美元的一倍以上,就算真的能够买到,同样会遇到另外一个现实的问题,那就是我们找不到像卡尔·雷查德这样的人才来经营公司,近些年来,从富国银行出身的经理人大多会受到银行同业的欢迎,但想要请到类似于卡尔·雷查德的人才却不是件简单的事情。




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