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情人中英法三语版 玛格丽特·杜拉斯 -  情人中英法三语版全文阅读 -  情人中英法三语版txt下载 -  情人中英法三语版最新章节


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Never again shall I travel in a native bus.

From now on I'll have a limousine to take me to the high school and back from there to the boarding school.

I shall dine in the most elegant places in town.

And I'll always have regrets for everything I do, everything I've gained, everything I've lost,good and bad, the bus, the bus driver I used to laugh with, the old women chewing betel in the back seats, the children on the luggage racks, the family in Sadec, the awfulness of the family in Sadec, its inspired silence.

He talked.

Said he missed Paris, the marvelous girls there, the riotous living, the binges, ooh là là, the Coupole, the Rotonde, personally I prefer the Rotonde, the nightclubs, the “wonderful” life he'd led for two years.

She listened, watching out for anything to do with his wealth, for indications as to how many millions he had.

He went on.

His own mother was dead, he was an only child.

All he had left was his father, the one who owned the money.

But you know how it is, for the last ten years he's been sitting staring at the river, glued to his opium pipe, he manages his money from his little iron cot.

She says she sees.

He won't let his son marry the little white whore from Sadec.

The image starts long before he's come up to the white child by the rails, it starts when he got out of the black car, when he began to approach her, and when she knew, knew he was afraid.

From the first moment she knows more or less, knows he's at her mercy.

And therefore that others besides him may be at her mercy too if the occasion arises.

She knows something else too, that the time has now probably come when she can no longer escape certain duties toward herself.

And that her mother will know nothing of this, nor her brothers.

She knows this now too.

As soon as she got into the black car she knew: she's excluded from the family for the first time and forever.


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