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8.A Magic Spell for the Far Journey






Master Lu-tsu said,

Yu Ch’ing has left behind him a magic spell for the far journey:

Four words crystallize the spirit in the space of energy.

In the sixth month white snow is suddenly seen to fly.

At the third watch the sun's disk sends out blinding rays.

In the water blows the wind of the Gentle.

Wandering in heaven, one eats the spirit-energy of the Receptive.

And the still deeper secret of the secret:

The land that is nowhere, that is the true home.


These verses are full of mystery.The meaning is: The most important things in the great Tao are the words: action through non-action.Non-action prevents a man from becoming entangled in form and image(materiality).Action in non-action prevents a man from sinking into numbing emptiness and dead nothingness.The effect depends entirely on the central One; the releasing of the effect is in the two eyes.The two eyes are like the pole of the Great Wain which turns the whole of creation; they cause the poles of light and darkness to circulate.The Elixir depends from beginning to end on one thing: the metal in the midst of the water, that is, the lead in the water-region.Heretofore we have spoken of the circulation of the light, indicating thereby the initial release which works from without upon what lies within.This is to aid one in obtaining the Master.If is for pupils in the beginning stages.They go through the two lower transitions in order to gain the upper one.After the sequence of events is clear and the nature of the release is known, heaven no longer withholds the Way, but reveals the ultimate truth.Disciples, keep it secret and redouble your effort!


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