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2. 用大师标准选择金融股(1/2)

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2. 用大师标准选择金融股


While our main goal is to allow some shareholders to Berkshire shareholders to maximize the benefits obtained through the ownership of the holding company, but in the meantime we also expect from other shareholders who share to cheaper able minimal, I think this is the average person in the attached considerable importance to the operation of the family business, but we believe that this also applies to the above listed companies operating partnership business, the partnership interest must be able to join or exit of a partner to a reasonableway of evaluation, in order to maintain a fair Similarly, for listed companies, only let the stock price and the intrinsic value of the company, the fairness of the shareholders of the Company was able to maintain, of course, obviously, this ideal situation is difficult has been maintained, butAs a manager of the company by way of policy and communication to vigorously maintain this fairness.

Of course, the shares they hold more long time, Berkshire's performance will be the closer and his investment experience, and buy or sell shares when the price is compared to the intrinsic value of the discount or premium the extent of the smaller, which is why we hope that one of the reasons to attract shareholders to join the long-term willingness to invest, the whole, I think that on this point, we can be considered quite successful, Berkshire probably all large enterprises have up to company shareholders with long-term investment perspective.





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