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4. 绩优股是在不断寻找中发现的(1/2)

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4. 绩优股是在不断寻找中发现的


Efforts to repurchase shares of their own company, has two advantages: the first is obvious, it is a simple digital, through repurchase the company's stock, equal to just spend the cost of a dollar will be able to get the value of two dollarsintrinsic value per share can be greatly improved, much better than spend a lot of money to the effect of mergers and acquisitions the company of others. The second point is less obvious, and not what people know, in fact, it is difficult to measure, but over time the effect is more obvious, is that regulatory authorities through the repurchase of its own stock to foreign declaring its emphasis on shareholder equity heart rather than the expansion of the territory of the individuals running a business, because the latter is often not only of the shareholders did not help, even but harmful to the interests of the shareholders. In this way, the original shareholders and interested investors will have more confidence in the prospects of the company, and the price will be upward reaction of its own value closer.









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