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12. 追逐高回报与滚雪球的赢利模式(1/2)

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12. 追逐高回报与滚雪球的赢利模式


Buffett to take the biggest gains in the long-term investment, and his main investment target on the stock market have a great relationship. To invest in the stock market, short-term Kuaijinkuaichu, is often grasp inaccurate. The final step is to make a large amount of cash invested is becoming less and less. Buffett always adhere to a similar "snowball" way to make money is to choose a very good potential for the company, after to be the best method of gradual accumulation of wealth.

Mistakes of other insurance companies, Berkshire, not just listen to it, we not only Sustaining the pain of those Living Dead undercut competition, when they really have to close down, we have to follow the bad luck, because many of the state government set up sinking fund in accordance with the operating conditions of the insurance industry levy, Berkshire last may be forced to share the burden of these losses, and usually will find that the event will be much better than expected serious late originally weak constitutions, but will not close down the company may have closed down, and finally snowballed out of control, course management authorities found back in time to protect themselves, forcing those rotten companies close the business and when problems prevent further expand.








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