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4.The Embryo of the Tao


According to the law, but without exertion,

one must diligently fill oneself with light.

Forgetting appearance, look within

and help the true spiritual power!


Ten months them embryo is under fire.

After a year the washing and baths become warm.


This picture will be found in the original edition of the Leng-yen-ching.But the ignorant monks who did not recognize the hidden meaning and knew nothing about the embryo of the Tao have for this reason made the mistake of leaving this picture out.I only found out through the explanations of adepts that the Julai(Tathagata) knows real work on the embryo of the Tao.This embryo is nothing corporeally visible which might be completed by other beings, but is in reality the spiritual breath-energy of the ego.First the spirit must penetrate the breath-energy(the soul), then the breath-energy envelops the spirit.When spirit and breath-energy are firmly united and the thoughts quiet and immobile, this is described as the embryo.The breath-energy must crystallize; only then will the spirit become effective.Therefore it is said in the Leng-yen-ching: “Take maternal care of the awakening and the answering”.The two energies nourish and strengthen one another.Therefore it is said: “Daily growth takes place”.When the energy is strong enough and the embryo is round and complete it comes out on the top of the head.This is what is called: the completed appearance which comes forth as embryo and begets itself as the son of the Buddha.


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